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Who We Are

INoGS Constitution

INoGS Constitution


(Revised and approved by INoGS members in January 2020)

Article I: Name

The name of this association is the “International Network of Genocide Scholars” (INoGS).

Article II: Purpose

The purpose of INoGS is to foster research on all aspects of genocide and other forms of collective violence throughout history.

Article III: Membership

Scholars and students of genocide and other forms of collective violence can apply for membership. Dues will be determined by the Executive Board and reviewed periodically. Only members in good standing will have full membership/voting rights and can run for office in INoGS.

Article IV: Governance

The elected members of the Executive Board shall be the President, the Vice President, the Executive Secretary, the Vice-Executive Secretary, and the Treasurer. They are elected for an initial term of office of two years.

Amongst the appointed members of the Executive Board shall be the immediate Past President. The Executive Board shall be able to appoint further (non-voting) officers for special tasks.

The President oversees the activities of INoGS and acts as spokesperson.

Article V: Journal

The Journal of Genocide Research (JGR) is the official scholarly journal of INoGS, although its editorials and articles do not express the positions of INoGS, unless indicated clearly. It is editorially independent and committed solely to scholarly excellence. INoGS is not responsible for its content.

The editors and senior editor of JGR will be appointed by the INoGS Executive Board in consultation with the publisher. The senior editor, in consultation with the editors and the INoGS Executive Board, shall appoint the International Advisory Board of JGR.

Membership in INoGS entails a subscription to the JGR.

Article VI: Elections

There shall be biennial elections for the offices of President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary, Vice-Executive Secretary, and Treasurer. The ballot is held electronically. An Election Oversight Board, approved by the Executive Board, shall act as the supervisor of the election and all issues relating to the election shall be referred to it for final decision.