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The INoGS Executive Board members are pleased to announce two separate academic awards for scholars in our field. There is the INoGS Lifetime Achievement Award and the INoGS Impact Award. Awards will be granted in conjunction with our current and future conferences; nominations for future award winners will be announced in advance.

The 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award Winners are:

  • for her accomplished work in trauma and memory studies and her contributions toward healing the wounds of Apartheid in the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission

  • for his life-long committment to the anthropological study of the Cambodian Genocide and his service to the community as Director of the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.

The 2024 Impact Award Winners are:

  • for his insightful research on permanent security and his leadership as editor of the Journal of Genocide Research.

  • for her exceptional work in Genocide and Holocaust education as a scholar and as the Founder and Executive Director of the Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre.

The 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award Winners are:

  • for her lifelong dedication to the field of Holocaust and genocide studies and in particular her role in founding the Institute for the Study of Genocide and the International Association of Genocide Scholars.

  • for his exceptional work in the field of genocide studies and historical sociology, the significant public engagement of his work, and his long-time service to the INoGS community.

The 2022 Impact Award Winners are:

  • for her work on genocide in Latin America, her invaluable contributions to the UN-sponsored Truth Commission in Guatemala, and her research into legacies of militarization and militarism impacting Indigenous communities.

  • for her extraordinary dedication to gender studies, indigenous studies, disability studies, and the rights of these groups under the law in India.

The 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award Winners are:

  • for her unprecedented contribution to the field of Genocide Studies as Founding Director of the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University.

  • for his significant contribution to the field of Genocide Studies as Founding President of INoGS and groundbreaking work in the field of colonial genocide studies.

The 2020 Impact Award Winners are:

  • for his groundbreaking work applying the concept of genocide to the colonization of South Africa/Cape Colony, and in particular to the destruction of the San aboriginal peoples.

  • for her path-breaking research on Israeli military occupation and state violence against Palestinians through a feminist criminological approach. We continue to stand by her research today.